Thursday, November 30, 2006

Descubra as Diferenças

Do lado de cá:

Gabinete da Ministra
Despacho n.º 17 387/2005, de 28 de Julho

Ocupação de tempos escolares

1—No âmbito da organização do ano escolar, deve a direcção executiva de cada agrupamento ou escola proceder à aprovação de um plano de distribuição de serviço docente, identificando detalhadamente os recursos envolvidos, que assegure a ocupação plena dos alunos do ensino básico em actividades educativas, durante o seu horário lectivo, na situação de ausência imprevista do respectivo docente a uma ou mais aulas.

2—Para efeitos do disposto no número anterior, devem ser consideradas,
entre outras, as seguintes actividades educativas:
a) Aulas de substituição;
b) Actividades em salas de estudo;
c) Clubes temáticos;
d) Actividades de uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação;
e) Leitura orientada;
f) Pesquisa bibliográfica orientada;
g) Actividades desportivas orientadas;
h) Actividades oficinais, musicais e teatrais.

3—O plano anual a que se refere o n.º 1 deverá ser submetido à Direcção Regional de Educação respectiva até 15 de Outubro de cada ano, ficando esta obrigada a apresentar ao membro do Governo competente um relatório síntese de avaliação das diversas programações realizadas até 30 de Outubro do mesmo ano.

4—O mesmo plano deverá igualmente ser dado a conhecer pelo responsável de turma aos pais e encarregados de educação na primeira reunião geral de turma.

5—O plano de cada agrupamento ou escola constitui elemento a considerar no processo de avaliação sistemática da actividade desenvolvida em cada ano escolar.

Informação N.º 183/JM/SEE/2005, de 13 de Dezembro

4. Acompanhamento educativo dos alunos em caso de ausência do professor titular de turma/disciplina.

a. Em caso de ausência do docente titular de turma/disciplina a ocupação dos alunos é da responsabilidade de cada Agrupamento/escola, a quem cabe a organização de espaços/actividades, bem como a afectação rigorosa e adequada dos recursos humanos e materiais necessários.

b. A organização pedagógica destas actividades deve ser entendida como uma responsabilidade da escola enquanto organização, a quem compete assim uma resposta adequada e organizada. Não pode, portanto, ser vista como uma responsabilidade individual do docente ou docentes a quem foi atribuído aquele serviço.

c. Os Agrupamentos/Escolas, no âmbito dos órgãos de administração e gestão e de gestão intermédia, devem efectuar o planeamento e organização deste tipo de actividades.

d. Nas escolas dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos e do ensino secundário, os órgãos de gestão, para dinamização destas actividades, poderão utilizar até 50% das horas de redução da componente lectiva de que os docentes usufruem ao abrigo do artigo 79.º do ECD.

e. Nos casos em que, face às necessidades, este número de horas se revele insuficiente, e tendo em conta a prioridade que deve ser dada ao acompanhamento e orientação educativa dos alunos, os Agrupamentos/Escolas deverão recorrer às horas da componente não lectiva de estabelecimento dos restantes docentes.

f. Embora o despacho n.º 17387/2005, de 12 de Agosto institua a obrigatoriedade de acompanhamento dos alunos em caso de ausência do professor, apenas para o Ensino Básico, algumas escolas alargaram, com bons resultados, esta prática aos alunos do Ensino Secundário. Partindo destas experiências, entende-se como aconselhável que as escolas com ensino secundário, no âmbito das competências dos diferentes órgãos, equacionem as vantagens e a possibilidade de garantir a ocupação plena dos tempos escolares também aos alunos do ensino secundário.

Do lado de lá:

A substitute teacher fills in for a permanent teacher who is still on payroll and using paid leave. A licensed substitute (who holds a valid NC teacher’s license) must be paid at least 65% of the A-00 teacher rate. A substitute without a valid NC teacher’s license must be paid at least 50% of the A-00 teacher rate and not more than a substitute with a license. Teacher assistants are paid at the A-00 rate if they substitute.

A substitute teacher is any teacher hired as a temporary teacher, has no written agreement to work for a school district or an educational service district, is not guaranteed a minimum number of hours, who reports for teaching only when contacted, and who may refuse any offer of employment. It is a position that may require fewer than five months of 70 or more hours of compensated employment during the school year (September 1-August 31).

Emergency teachers

A teacher may be replaced by another teacher if they are absent due to an illness, death, or planned absence. In the United States and some parts of Canada, notably Alberta, replacement teachers are known as substitute teachers (or more informally as "subs") and more recently "guest teachers". In Australia and New Zealand they are known as "casual" or "relief" teachers; in the UK and in other parts of Canada, notably Ontario, they are known as supply teachers. In British Columbia, Canada, they are called TOCs (teachers-on-call). Temporary, substitute teachers in universities are usually in forms of multiple guest lecturers.

These teachers often find it difficult to acclimatise to the new environment, often moving from one school to another week after week or day after day. They are often viewed badly by the students they are looking after with a "you're not my real teacher" attitude making behaviour management very difficult. Meanwhile, especially in subjects like second languages, they may actually know less than their students. In long term replacements, however, this quickly subsides.

Teacher trade union groups have expressed resentment towards the continuous use of supply teachers (who may be paid a lower amount) to satisfy long-term shortages when school administrations have resisted creating a permanent teaching position.

The United States observes a Substitute Educator's Day, which was instituted by the National Education Association (NEA). The purpose of this day is to highlight the role and importance of the substitute teacher by providing information about, advocating for, and helping to increase appreciation and respect for this unique professional. This day also focuses on the needs of substitutes, which include better wages and health benefits and continual professional development. Substitute Educator's Day is observed on the Friday during American Education Week. Other countries and jurisdictions have similar observances.

Substitute teacher

Substitute teacher:

Capistrano Unified School District
San Juan Capistrano, California

Pinellas County Schools' Substitute Teaching Information Home Page
Pinellas County, Florida

Department of Education
State of Hawaii

Summary of Salary and Benefits for Substitute Teachers
Providence Teachers Union
AFT Locla #958, AFL CIO
Providence, Rhode Island

Defining the role of the substitute teacher
Education, Spring 2001 by Lassmann, Marie E

Substitute Teacher Homepage

A Packet for Substitute Teachers

Substitute Teaching - Tricks of the Trade

ProTeacher! Substitute teachers advice and tips for teaching in elementary school

Teachers.Net: Substitute Teacher Chatboard

Substitute Teacher Resources - TeacherVision: Lesson plans, printables, and more

Substitute Teaching Institute - Utah State University

National Substitute Teachers Alliance - NSTA

Frontline Placement Technologies, Inc. is a privately-held ASP (Application Service Provider) that automates the process of filling schedule openings, including instances when a replacement of an essential person is required due to an absence. The core Internet and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-based architecture has been patented and additional patents are pending. The system is currently helping clients fill schedule openings across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, and will soon be deployed in Australia and New Zealand.

The company was founded in 1998, and developed Internet and IVR technologies to facilitate absence reporting and tracking, replacement employee procurement, entitlement balance tracking, data reporting, and electronic payroll feeding.

Aesop for education, the flagship service, the first of its kind in the K12 education arena, has revolutionized the way school districts handle the daily challenge of filling vacant classrooms. Aesop is currently serving over 700 school districts in the education industry, more than any other automated system. By reducing unfilled classrooms and increasing the quality of substitute pools, Aesop helps to ensure the highest level of education for the students.

With a dedicated staff that adheres to strong moral and ethical principles, Frontline Placement Technologies recognizes the importance of customer satisfaction and operates with high standards of achievement. Frontline Placement Technologies is now offering applications of this technology for other business sectors with a continual commitment to developing purposeful technology for the end user. By listening to their customers and watching for emerging trends, Frontline Placement Technologies strives to deliver ever-increasing value to every Aesop client.

Substitute Teacher Service, Inc. is the foremost locator of certified substitute teachers, teacher aides, and support personnel in the country. At STS, we supply our client school districts with the professional and support personnel they need, when they need them.

Substitute Teacher Service has partnered with! and PA-Reap. Post your resume and credentials and you will be seen by school districts in Pennsylvania.

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