Sunday, December 10, 2006

G8. Pretexto

Dansk (Dinamarquês)
n. - påskud, foregivende

«Something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason»

«The reasons assigned to justify an act, which have only the appearance of truth, and which are without foundation; or which if true are not the true reasons for such act.»

«He soon appeared before the city with a corps of ten thousand troops, and finding it a fit occasion, as he had secretly intended from the beginning, to revive an antiquated claim, on the pretext that his ancestors had suffered the place to be dismembered from his territory,[1] he took possession of it in his own name, disarmed, and punished the inhabitants, and reannexed the city to his domains.»
Federalist Papers Authored by Alexander Hamilton by Hamilton, Alexander

«On some flimsy pretext or other Mowanna, the king of Nukuheva, whom the invaders by extravagant presents cajoled over to their interests, and move about like a mere puppet, has been set up as the rightful sovereign of the entire island--the alleged ruler by prescription of various clans, who for ages perhaps have treated with each other as separate nations.»
Typee by Melville, Herman

«The moon served as a pretext for a thousand stale puns and a score of ballads, in which bad taste contested the palm with ignorance.»
From The Earth To The Moon by Verne, Jules

«Todos os cursos de ensino superior deverão ser avaliados e sujeitos a um processo de acreditação a iniciar-se em 2007 e que deverá estar concluído dentro "de dois, três anos". O trabalho será desenvolvido pela nova Agência Nacional de Avaliação, organismo que substituirá a Comissão Nacional de Avaliação de Ensino Superior (CNAVES). … O anúncio foi feito ontem pelo ministro da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, Mariano Gago, no final da apresentação de um relatório sobre o sistema de avaliação português, criado em 1994. O estudo, encomendado por Mariano Gago à Associação Europeia para a Garantia de Qualidade no Ensino Superior – ENQA, aponta uma série de falhas ao trabalho desenvolvido pela CNAVES ao longo dos últimos dez anos.»
Público, 06/11/23.

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